If you are looking for intelligent, straight forward, financial advice that you can trust 100%, look no further. This team of highly skilled professionals have mastered the art of explaining your financial options in a language that is easy to understand. No fancy financial jargon, just plain, no nonsense, communication delivered in an extremely personalized manner which is impossible to ever get from the mega national financial institutions. Pay them a visit and see for yourself.

- Kenny & Nicole

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.
We are very happy with the two years we have been with Beacon. They have a good feel for what our needs are, they explain things well, and have been very reassuring and supportive during this pandemic.

- Neil & Gail

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.

My experience has always been positive and pleasant. These ladies are very efficient and get the job done!!



- Lisa

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.
I am very pleased with the services provided by Beacon Financial Planning. I like the evolution of the firm to a woman owned and operated entity. The team works well together and clearly shares a common goal and value set. I also appreciate the active involvement in the community!

- Anne

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.

I appreciate the thoroughness and all the follow up and especially the kindness that comes out of your practice. You are always there in a very professional, supportive and extremely thorough way.

 - Deb

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.
We are very happy with the Beacon team - excellent in every way



 - Michael & Janet

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.

I am so grateful to Beacon Financial Planning. I feel secure now and for my future. I am a very satisfied client.

 - Beth

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.
I became familiar with Beacon because they support a Cape Cod non profit that I volunteer for. I put all my trust in Beacon to handle my finances. They are very responsive to all my needs.

- Elizabeth

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.

In any contact I have had with Beacon Financial Planning, I have always found everyone to be friendly and helpful. Additionally, I feel that my investments have been handled well.

 - Pat

The presented testimonial is from a current Beacon Financial Planning, Inc client and was obtained via a third-party website. Beacon Financial Planning, Inc reached out via a client survey in August 2020 requesting voluntary feedback. Clients were not provided any compensation with respect to said testimonials. The testimonial provided is for informational purposes only and is not representative of all client experiences, which may differ substantially.